A long and interesting life

Created by Alison 4 years ago

John Lawrence, my Grandad, saw a lot of life. A stoic, serviceman who had a deep sense of duty, and a laugh to match.

A long career in the Royal Navy from the age of 14, when he joined at Gosport. one element of the training was to be able to climb to the top of the huge ship mast!

Serving throughout WW2 he travelled across the globe and survived some terrifying experiences. Being part of the crew on board HMS Cornwall when it was torpedoed and sunk in the Indian ocean. He was later awarded medals for his part in the dangerous Arcitc convoys to Russia.

but the Navy was only part of his long life.

Meeting Peggy at a dance, they married in 1944 and had 5 children. Over the years 20 grandchildren followed! He had many great grandchildren too, right up to meeting tiny Nolan just this spring.

A second career began at the Aylesford papermill, where he then became a fireman, maybe he felt well practised at coping with the potential for danger.

For many years, John cared for Peggy at their home in Lincoln Road, cooking and housekeeping the big family home and garden.

He loved keeping the big garden there. Growing vegetables and fruit for the table as well as a green fingered way with flowers.       I remember sneaking under the strawberry netting and getting caught with a face covered in juice and fat strawberries in my little hands. 

When Peggy sadly passed away, Grandad moved to his home in Senacre. He enjoyed years of independent living there, still gardening and walking to do his grocery shopping and a daily newspaper trip. 

In later years, he enjoyed visits to a social club for dinner and conversation. Here he met Joyce, in whom he found fun and admiration. They became a couple and lived happily together for many years at the bungalow in Tovil. Still making his supermarket trips and walking for his newspaper every day.

There have been many big family parties, some celebrating Grandad's milestone birthdays. He enjoyed the fun and fanfare as well as the good food, A satisfying meal and indulgent puddings always made Grandad happy.

After a long life of good health, it was only right at the end that he and Joyce needed the support of the team at Maidstone Care Centre, where they settled in 2019. Right to the last, Grandad was still keeping up with the daily news and enjoyed watching the birds in the garden.